Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Number Thirteen: Fantasy Football

This is less of a blog and more of a suggestion. I recommend that anyone who likes football checks out this website and joins a fantasy league. It's very fun and the team names and pictures are very fun to create. Today's QOTD: Did you like the website, and what was your favourate part of making a fantasy team? click this for the website

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I don't know, McSports. To me, playing the game and watching real games are better than acting out fantasies. What's the point of fantasy sports? All it does is bring more advertising money to the sponsors: good ultimately, I suppose, for supporting the outrageous amounts of money that some of the players get paid. Yes, constructing the teams is a great way to learn about the players and might make for some good times together with friends (and family) while forming the teams and trading players. But I'd rather watch a good game (live preferably) than deal with this fantasy craze.